An Extended Tax Deadline Equals More Time to Help Children Like Edith
A United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arizona standout, and her continued journey, represents a larger story about the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit’s potential impact
United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arizona (UCP) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children, teens and adults who have a wide array of disabilities. In addition to feeding therapy, UCP’s state-of-the-art pediatric therapy clinic offers occupational, physical and speech therapies to children up to age 12.
Edith is 3 ½ years old and loves eating Cheerios, her favorite snack. One year ago, however, she could not chew any solid food at all, and her diet consisted of blended purees. Within a few weeks of starting feeding therapy at UCP, she began exploring new textures and bravely putting new foods into her mouth. Today, Edith eats solids with confidence. She even proudly uses utensils to feed herself.
“Without UCP, Edith wouldn’t be where she is today,” said Edith’s mom, Heather. “We are so proud of her, and we’re thankful for her amazing feeding therapist who worked so hard to help Edith get comfortable with eating solids!”
A donation to United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arizona (UCP) not only qualifies donors for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit through May 17, it also helps children like Edith.
“The extended tax deadline gives our community more time to show their support for our programs while also receiving credit on their taxes,” said Brenda Hanserd, CEO of UCP. “On behalf of children like Edith, we are so grateful for the support.”
The deadline for submitting 2021 tax returns is May 17. Individuals can donate up to $400, and couples filing jointly can donate up to $800 and receive tax credit while making a difference in the lives of Edith and hundreds of other children, teens and adults. Help UCP reach its $10,000 goal by May 17 by clicking here: https://ucpofcentralaz.org/tax-credit.