A close up of pink blossoms on a tree in an early learning center.

Los verdaderos campeones

Puede no ser obvio a primera vista, pero los campeones están en todas partes en UCP.

Champions aren’t always somebody who has received a medal on a podium; in fact, some of our Champions may never even know what it feels like to receive a round of applause. Champions aren’t always somebody who has won a title; their name may never be recognized among strangers. Some of our Champions are the quietest of victors, those that have accomplished something momentous through nothing but their own sheer determination and hard work. Their only applause is the steady rhythm of placing one foot in front of the other – always moving forward, always working harder.

Champions at UCP are the parents who drive 30 miles to their child’s physical therapy appointment to be able to see their 3-year-old take her first steps. Champions are the therapists that help a child overcome obstacles by using their passion and creativity to adapt a family’s laundry basket to help a toddler sit and play in the tub. Sometimes Champions are the adults with communication barriers who have the courage to reach out to others by kindly greeting each person that enters through the door of the UCP Café Without Limits.

Sí, los campeones realmente están en todas partes en UCP, incluso en nuestra Junta Directiva. Campeones como el Dr. Michael Kruer, quien se guía silenciosamente por una pasión por los niños y sus familias para superar las barreras. Para sus oídos, el mayor aplauso no es en su honor, sino el aplauso alegre de una niña cuando logra una nueva habilidad motora. Su nombre es reconocido entre padres y pares profesionales por igual, porque el Dr. Kruer es un campeón entre los campeones.

A man providing pediatric therapy in a lab coat smiling in front of a window at an early learning center.

Join us on April 13, 2019, to celebrate Dr. Kruer life’s work at UCP’s 8th annual fundraiser – Inchstones: una celebración de campeones. Not only will we be honoring Dr. Kruer’s groundbreaking research into movement disorders and rare diseases, which brings hope to families across the world, but we’ll also be celebrating  the corporate and community leaders, philanthropists, disability advocates, therapists, families, and supporters of UCP of Central Arizona that make our work possible. Most importantly, it’s our chance to give a round of applause to the Champions who deserve it, and yet so rarely receive it.

Estamos encantados de compartir los milagros que vemos que suceden todos los días con nuestra comunidad, todo hecho posible por el apoyo de nuestros socios corporativos y las muchas personas afectuosas que defienden nuestra causa día tras día. Ayúdanos a celebrar el viaje de nuestras familias; Sé testigo de cómo nuestros hijos alcanzan su máximo potencial e imagina lo que podemos hacer para crear vidas sin límites. Hacer clic aquí para descubrir cómo puedes unirte a esta celebración de Campeones.

Two boys with cerebral palsy of Arizona posing for a picture in front of a building.

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Creando milagros cotidianos para niños y adultos con discapacidades


1802 West Parkside Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85027

(602) 943-5472
(888) 943-5472

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