Title VI Policy Overview
UCP Title VI policy assures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. Title VI states that “no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination” under any government-sponsored program or activity. There is no distinction between the sources of funding.
UCP also assures that every effort will be made to prevent discrimination through the impacts of its programs, policies and activities on minority and low-income populations. Furthermore, UCP will take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to services for persons with limited English proficiency.
If UCP distributes Federal-aid funds to another entity/person, UCP will ensure all sub-recipients fully comply with UCPs’ Title VI Nondiscrimination Program requirements. With the approval of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director of UCP has delegated the authority to the Director of HCBS & DTA and the Manger of HCBS & DTA as Title VI Program Coordinators, to oversee and implement FTA Title VI requirements.
You can access UCPs Title VI policy in its entirety here: Title VI Policy & Implementation Plan
ADA- Related Service Compliant Process
UCP welcomes comments, compliments, and complaints from members and families on their experiences using UCPs services. Member and family input helps us identify areas needing improvement. Commendations are always appreciated.
All member and family complaints are carefully reviewed and those submitted by members and families who experience accessibility or ADA-related problems are additionally reviewed for adherence to UCPs’ policies by Dionne Hacket, Director of Human Resources.
To file an ADA-related service complaint, members or families may contact UCP using any of the following methods:
Via Mail to:
United Cerebral Palsy
c/o Dionne Hacket
1802 W Parkside Lane Phoenix, AZ 85017
Via Phone
Via Website
Via Email
UCP will investigate the complaint and promptly communicate a response to the member and family within 10 business days.
Applicable UCP departments will investigate all complaints and implement any corrective actions to be taken. Complaints involving ADA or accessibility elements will receive an additional review by Dionne Hackett, Director of Human Resources, after the investigation has been completed. After the ADA Compliance oversight review has been completed, UCP will provide a written reply to the member and family to the contact address provided within ninety (90) days of receiving the complaint. All complaints are investigated within a few weeks, but some may require more extensive investigation or require more time to identify corrective measures. In any case, a written reply will be provided to the member within ninety (90) days. UCP records and retains all complaints and corrective actions for future reference.
Download Related Forms Here:
ADA Forms
Notifying the Public of Rights under ADA- English
Notificando al Publico de los derechos de ADA- Espanol
ADA Related Services Complaint Process- English
ADA Procedimiento de Quejas- Espanol
Title VI Aviso al Publico- Espanol
Title VI Procedimiento de Queja- Espanol
Title VI Complaint Form- English