Ace our UCP ambassador getting ready to eat in a high chair
Ace our Ambassador laying comfortably
Ace our UCP ambassador
Ace our UCP ambassador enjoying the sun with a shark hat

Ace's Journey with Cerebral Palsy

 Meet Ace

We’re excited to share our son Ace’s incredible journey and express our appreciation to UCP for being an amazing support system. Ace’s story is one of perseverance and hard work, and we’re truly grateful for the amazing services provided by UCP.

Ace’s Arrival: A High-Risk Pregnancy

Ace’s arrival into the world was closely monitored as a high-risk pregnancy. Born at 36 weeks, everything seemed fine initially. But as time went on, we noticed that Ace was having a hard time with motor skills and wasn’t reaching the milestones as early on as our other kids. When he was around four months old, we realized his eyes were still crossed, and he faced challenges with head support, eye contact, rolling over, and more.

After consulting with an ophthalmologist, we discovered he had strabismus in both eyes, and surgery was scheduled for after he turned six months. Despite the surgery, we still had concerns about his development. That’s when we took matters into our own hands and luckily found UCP through a fellow CP parent.

Therapy and Progress at UCP

In April, Ace started receiving Physical, Occupational, and Feeding therapy at UCP. He currently has four sessions a week, as well as swim lessons four days a week to help him relax his muscles. In May 2023, Ace had an MRI, which confirmed a “mild” Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. It turned out he had experienced some unexplained mini-strokes before birth. Since starting treatment at UCP, Ace has amazed us by overcoming so many obstacles. In just a few months, he’s made incredible progress. He’s now taking steps with a walker, rolling over, playing with toys, and eating meals.

He even enjoys floating in the water and has started saying “mama,” “dada,” and “papa,” as well as interacting with his siblings. The therapists at UCP have been an absolute blessing to our family. They’ve provided unwavering support, and UCP feels like a second home to us. Ace is only 13 months old, but he’s already making tremendous strides, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for our little superhero.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Shelby and Mike (Ace’s Mom and Dad)

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Creating Everyday Miracles for Children and Adults with Disabilities

Contact us

1802 West Parkside Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85027

(602) 943-5472
(888) 943-5472

[email protected]

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